Report Abuse - 42338

Re: Can't even give them one star

I just received an e-mail from Mr. Sadler, the attorney willing to help with Club Land 'Or issues. He said he has $1500 in escrow to pursue the case and needs 2 more people with $500 each by June 2nd if he is to continue. Look, I had nothing to gain when I put you all in contact with him. It was just my effort to help others. Now, those who are complaining(which they have every right to because they're being taken for a ride by Land 'Or) should take the opportunity to step up to the plate. $500 is a lot less than your fees will be for this year and those beyond. If you don't grasp this opportunity then quit complaining about getting the shaft from Land' Or because it's your own fault. It's your choice. $500 now or thousands down the road. This from someone else who got ther shaft for many years.