Report Abuse - 41952

Re: Can't even give them one star

Good try rickw178 but count me in. The glass is still half full for those of us who want out. Some may want someplace else to go but many of us just want out. They have made their $$$ many times over and continue to squeeze us. I would not put words in the judges mouth as the decision will be made on the facts presented. Fact today is we are getting screwed. This is a company that insists on dragging us through the dirt and refuses to work with owners whom they have long since made their money off of. I bet members who have rented the weeks to others or donated them to charitable causes are few and far between. I've tried all that. If you know of a charitable cause will take it I recommend you post it here! Tortuous interference?...dosent have me shaking in my one has told anyone to stop paying anything to Landor. This is just an action that gets us to a desired end state. Thank you though for your thoughts as it has reminded me that I need to get off my postieror and my check in...I refuse to continue to be a cash cow for these guys. Coming up through school I remember learning about Robber Barons......hmmmmmm.