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Re: Can't even give them one star

Read through these emails. Where are we going with this when Harborside next door has double the cost in dues and fees of what we pay? An further,all timeshare resorts have had and have assessments and the benefits package given by Land'or is greater than other places I own. in talking with my lawyer, he asks where have we been damaged? We get bonus weeks every time there is an assessment that are worth a lot more than the assessment. Members that i know rented the weeks to others or donate them to charitable causes and taken tax deductions. I'd hate to find out we set off a bomb and got hit by a missle. What I'm saying is, we come up with this money and the fist thing the judge asks Mr. Sandler is where have your clients been damaged? And we havent been damaged. Beside the website shows that renovations are ongoing. Read my earlier post. My lawyer also told me about something called tortuous interference with a trade or business where we could find ourselves individually on the receiving end of a Land'or lawsuit. All of us would have our names on record with Sandler. I don't want my name there. Count me out.