Report Abuse - 37869

Re: Hacienda del Mar

You can sell it privately it any forum or newspaper etc., there are legal fees which are high and misc. fees too. You are caught in a timeshare that as of right now has a high maintenance fee due every year. These maintenance fees should drop somewhat once the H.D.M. has it's own generator. I have stayed in Sedona and there maintenance fees are 1/3 less than ours. The long river pool is now closed, to many families this was the reason to buy at H.D.M., I am still not sure if the presentation to the owners it was fully disclosed about the pool and the river being shared by the Casino and it's guest. If you need a lawyer in P.R. I do have one that I used, she is good and she is not cheap, also you have the fees also that are due during closing that are the resposibility of the seller. Where is the class action suit against the Hyatt ? I still say that some restitution is due to it's owners in the form of a reduced maintenance fee or a rebate seeing no lazy river is happening, also a construction site in progress. Also remember to tell your buyer they cannot use the Hyatt Hotels every other year the way you can, it does not transfer with the propert when selling .