Report Abuse - 37531

Re: refund listing fees from fraud

I had once contacted via website one of the timeshare resale companies and so help me I don't remember which company it was. Anyway after hearing their spill, I told them that I was not going to pay anything up front. I told them that if they had so many people just waiting to buy time shares then sell mine and I would pay them for selling it AFTER the sale, not before. I told them that I could list it on e-bay or the website just as good as they could. The end results of that conversation was I told them that I would not pay any up front fees or any kind. Sell it and then I would pay plus costs of sale that were reasonable. They would not agree so we parted company.......So I thought. Not the case, they continually called me trying to let me list my timeshare. I also got calls from unrelated companies just like them which I did not ask for. I guess they either sold my cell phone number or was working with the other companies, maybe splitting the listing charge. Finally the last one I heard from was so rude when I told him that I would not pay anyone 1 copper/clad penny up front. He said then, Fine just loose your timeshare in forclosure. I then advised him how unprofessional he was and advised him that my timeshare we in fact paid for and nothing owed not even maintenance fees and I did not appreciate his assumption that I could not or had not paid for it or fees. I had already advised him the reason for selling was I had OWNED it for 4 years and after I bought it I got a little dog and the timeshare would not allow pets so I had never visited the timeshare. I guess he was just too eager to get the listing fees that he did not listen too closely to the reason I was selling. This said to tell everyone not to sell or rent your timeshare through any kind of place like the ones that I dealt with. I have not dealt with Redweek or I don't know about them but I can say that their fees are well within reason. I am attempting to sell my timeshare through craig's list and have had 2 hits so far. If unsuccessful I might list on Redweek either to rent or sell.