Report Abuse - 36680

Re: Timeshare Relief, INC

[Q=ken1193]You are absolutely right. SOME (fortunately, not ALL) of these PCC's operate utilizing a Power of Attorney (PoA) signed by the owner. In such cases, the deed remains in the owner's name until sold by the PCC. Obviously, this is unacceptable --- if the PCC decides to just close down and go out of business (as actually happened very recently with one of the very PCC's I specifically identified earlier), then the deed remains in the original owner's name, while that owner is STILL permanently "out" the $3-4K paid to the (now disappeared) PCC. In short, it certainly behooves any owner contemplating using (and actually paying) ANY PCC to NOT sign (or ever even consider signing) a mere Power of Attorney --- and deal with ONLY an entity which will put the timeshare ownership directly into the PCC's OWN NAME, with a new deed properly recorded, as a written, signed, contractual obligation to do so as an integral part of the "transaction".[/Q] [b]A PCC did actually completely close shop in a town in Georgia. A lady who had done business with that particular PCC actually went to the physical address to find the office locked and empty. I don't know what action she took after that, but I suggested that she report this to the Georgia Attorney General. These types of people need to be hunted down and arrested for defrauding innocent people. They are no better than thieves in prisons.[/b]