Report Abuse - 35877

refund listing fees from fraud

I also had a bad experience with I went on their website and all the write up about timeshares sounds so exciting and trustworthy and believeable. I decided to call them up to sell my timeshare. I got a fast talking sales women who convinced me,but there was somethings that was too good to be true, but I fell for her fast talk because I was desperate and I had just bought my timeshare and had no idea what I was doing. So I told her I did not have all the money she ask for I would give her I think it was $250 and pay the balance in one or two weeks time she said, ok in the mean time she would put the add up. I check back on the web site and yes the add was up Iwas even given an add number but some thing did'nt look right with the add any way she called for the rest of the money and so I paid her $120 and balance her still I just felt something was not right the third time she called I told her as a matter of fact it was another sales woman called demanding the rest of the money and I told her I did not have the money and if I could get a refund of my money back and she said no because I had sign the contract she said the balance that I owed I could keep. I know that these people were just after my money and nothing eles and its very sad the lies, the deceites, expecially when you don't know what the HELL you are in. I am not listening to know CEO all of them are the same the orders comes from the CEOS Why can't every one be honest and candid we all needs to eat.