Report Abuse - 35754

Re: Hacienda del Mar

I cannot believe that Hyatt will allow the property to sell for $150.00, and who would sell their property for $150.00. The Hacienda has not been open too long. When I bought 10 years ago, it was fairly new, how would anyone in their right mind look to lose that much. I believe the only way to find out for sure is to see if this gentleman's sale actually goes through, and if he will be nice enough to let us all know if in fact it did, or call Hyatt directly and ask. I have been watching the Hacienda go downhill for the past few years and it is sickening. I have been watching these e-mails for a while too, and it is getting scary. I really think it is time to contact a large law firm to see about a class action suit. I will speak to my attorney tomorrow and see if he can steer me in the right direction, and will come back and write what I learn. Anyone who is interested at that point can contact me. We may have all been duped. It certainly feels like it.