Report Abuse - 34055

Re: RCI Class Action Lawsuit

[Q=richardw235] [Q=jayjay] [] Just what proof has been forwarded that this practice is happening?[/Q] [b]Actually, so far there has been no proof. When you have a jillion people wanting the same thing in a trade (most popular locations, higher end resorts, summer travel season, major holidays) then, of course, there will be a lack of inventory for the above criteria. Also, you have people that will wait until the last minute or a couple of months prior to traveling to start looking for an exchange and they will get the left overs only. For hard to get trades RCI members need to deposit and start looking at least a year in advance. It is my humble opinion that the only people that will get rich from this lawsuit are all the attorneys involved and all RCI members will have to take up the slack by having to pay higher fees in the long run.[/b][/Q] WE HAVE PUT IN FOR EXCHANGES 2 YEARS IN ADVANCE AND RCI CAME UP WITH NOTHING. WE ALWAYS DO ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE AND AGAIN NOTHING, SO I HOPE RCI WILL CHANGE THEIR POLICIES. THIS IS JUST ANOTHER REASON WHY WE ARE TRYING TO DONATE, GIVE AWAY OR JUST DUMP OUR TIME SHARE. WE HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO GET AN EXCHANGE FOR THE LAST FOUR YEARS WHICH IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO US.IF WE DO KEEP IT, WE WILL NOT RENEW OUR MEMBERSHIP WITH RCI, BUT GO WITH REDWEEK OR USE THE UNIT. RPWHITE[/Q]