Report Abuse - 33077

Proposed settlement agreement --- an unfunny comedy

cr85 states: >> The information on this lawsuit from RCI is very confusing. I am not understanding the so called one of five "extra benefits" that you can choose. I wonder which way to go on this? Choose an option, wait and see what happens? I certainly do not want to opt out on this action. Best case scenario would be reform of their weeks exchange program, refund of all exchange AND membership fees for that period (2000-2008).<< =============================================== The best case scenario would have been "injunctive relief" --- a court ordered, PERMANENT reform of RCI practices regarding RCI rental of prime deposits. This does not seem even remotely likely at this juncture. It is now abundantly clear from the proposed settlement agreement that plaintiff attorneys have "sold out" their clients' position and are now willing to settle the case for a "pick one" grab bag of worthless little trinkets and a short term, very minor change regarding access to (some, not all) prime deposits by RCI members (for a defined, finite time period --- specifically, two years). For now, you don't have to (indeed, you CAN'T) actually make ANY "choice", since this is ONLY a proposed settlement agreement at this point, put forth for class member comment. The proposal is such a laughable joke in its current form that that it could actually be summarily rejected in its entirety by the Court after all comments and objections are reviewed (filing deadline is in April, 2009). If the proposed settlement survives as is, it won't matter much which particular "trinket" you choose. By any standard or measure, every one of the little "trinkets" offered is actually worth somewhere between nothing at all and about sixty nine dollars, maximum. Big deal --- for a lawsuit in which the attorneys alone are now seeking fees approaching FOUR MILLION dollars! This lawsuit has, sadly and unfortunately, become a comical farce. Not the least bit funny, but still a farce nonetheless....