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RCI Class Action Lawsuit

km160 belatedly states in part: >> If you plan to pursue any further action, I would be eager to participate. << ================================================= I have posted a series of updates on the details and status of the Murillo vs. RCI class action lawsuit in this same General Discussion forum of this (RedWeek) site. I believe the subject of the initial post was "Update on lawsuit against RCI", with the most recent post dated 12/29/08. You can easily find that "Update" thread by scrolling down about a dozen "topic" threads right here within in this "General Discussion" forum. The case is now much closer to an end than to its' beginning, having been originally filed back in March / April, 2006. Accordingly, the only remaining option to "participate" at this late juncture (...nearly three years later) is to provide written, signed comments to the plaintiff attorneys in response to the recently disclosed proposed settlement agreement (which is loosely summarized in other previously referenced "Update" postings on this matter). The original proposed settlement agreement can be found in its entirety elsewhere on the Internet, if you are interested in a lot of reading. If you choose to weigh in on the proposed settlement agreement now, comments must be submitted to plaintiff attorneys in writing, under signature. After class certification is completed (not yet accomplished), all written, signed comments will then be submitted directly to the Federal court hearing this case in Newark, NJ. The proposed settlement agreement in its current form is a complete farce and is absolutely worthless in the long term to RCI members (in my own personal opinion, anyhow). I state that particular viewpoint with honest objectivity, since I do not "exchange" with RCI anyhow and I really have "no dog in that fight" at all.