Report Abuse - 32427

Not likely...

stevek242 states in relevant part: >>Ken, You seemed pretty knowledgable about the legalities of the RCI class action lawsuit, thus I wanted to discuss solutions to the suit with you further if you had a desire to achieve a better settlement.<< ================================================ I know plenty about this class action lawsuit, having followed it very closely since it was initially filed back in April, 2006. Despite not personally being a RCI "exchanger" myself, I still believe that the case has genuine merit and that RCI is consistently (and increasingly) taking egregious advantage of its' "depositing" members, for no other reason or purpose than to greatly increase RCI corporate profits, to the detriment of RCI members seeking quality exchanges. That's just my personal opinion (...but it's also the underlying plaintiff claim and basis for the lawsuit). That said (and this unsolicited advice is for ALL RedWeek readers), the ONLY appropriate place to submit objections, comments, suggestions or input regarding the proposed settlement agreement in this case is directly to the plaintiff attorneys, in writing and under signature. The web site address previously provided has their complete mail address. After the class certification process is completed (which has not yet actually occurred), any and all such written, signed material would then be submitted directly (and only) to the Court. I would NEVER (and I certainly do NOT recommend that others ever consider doing so) send input on an ongoing legal matter to an unknown person of unknown affiliation, unknown location and unknown agenda over the Internet to an unknown "gmail" address. Knowing absolutely nothing about either the "gmail" addressees' identity or the true purpose and intent in his seeking out "private communications", to do so would be unwise, risky and nothing short of foolhardy (in my personal opinion).