Report Abuse - 32049

The reality of exchange value...

nailahm states in part: >>I'm now becoming fed up with this whole mess of trying to exchage my 3 bedroom unit in south africa. while I have no problem depositing my week it is virtually impossible to get a week in Aruba when I request it in Jan. for a week, in say ,August. I realize now that some sort of scam is being perportrated against RCI owners.<< ============================================= With all due respect, virtually ANYTHING can be "deposited", but getting a quality exchange in return is a different matter entirely. South African timeshares have very little exchange value or demand --- not with RCI, nor with any other exchange company. In seeking to get an Aruba week for a deposited South Africa week you are, in essence, seeking to get gold bars in exchange for depositing clay bricks. While I dislike, distrust and in general just have no use for RCI, your particular situation is not at all indicative of any RCI "scam", but is instead a classic example of unrealistic and unreasonable exchange expectations. Exchange value with ANY exchange company is ultimately all about "demand". The demand for Aruba weeks is consistently high, even a year or more in advance. The value of S. Africa weeks is consistently low --- anytime and all the time. You're simply not likely to ever get Aruba "gold bars" in exchange for a deposit of S. Africa "clay bricks". I intend no offense in making this observation but, truth to tell, you really have no legitimate basis for complaint, let alone for a lawsuit...