Report Abuse - 31963

Telephone conversations and tape recorders...

roberts1014: For the record, I made NONE of the assumptions which you have inaccurately attributed to me above. You clearly did NOT initially indicate in any way that your phone conversation was recorded with the knowledge and consent of the other party. With that directly relevant and critically important piece of information missing, I merely made (with no assumptions at all) an objective and factual observation on a matter of established law --- no more, no less. Prosecution, by the way, costs the other party virtually NOTHING. Actual prosecution is initiated by state or federal authorities (e.g., district attorneys' office, U.S. Attorney's office). I provided one very specifc example which I believed would be easily recognized, because of the national publicity it commanded at the time, merely to illustrate the potential legal consequences of a telephone recording made without the knowledge of BOTH parties (court authorized "wiretaps" are obviously an entirely different matter). I am not seeking pointless "debate" --- present or future. I genuinely hope that YOU prevail in this matter (although I am doubtful). I do NOT in any way support ANY opportunistic "upfront fee" parasite operation. On the contrary, I have only unmitigated contempt for ALL of them. It is my fervent hope that legislation (preferably Federal) will someday curtail their sleazy, deceptive practices and put them all out of business, forcing them all to go earn a more honest living instead.