Report Abuse - 31961

Telephone conversations and tape recorders...

roberts1014 states in (unfortunate) relevant part: >>...when he called back I recorded a phone conversation between your agent and myself...<< Let me first state that I have absolutely no use for ANY of these upfront fee operations. In my opinion, they are a useless, malodorous, parasitic scourge on the timeshare landscape. That clearly stated, just as piece of information for Robert, it is unlawful to record telephone conversations without the advance knowledge of the other party. If you have a tape recording, I sincerely hope that it starts out with your recorded voice very clearly stating "I am (your name) and I am hereby making you aware that I am recording this telephone conversation". Do you by chance remember the name Linda Tripp? She was the woman who taped a telephone conversation with a woman of brief national notoriety named Monica Lewinsky (...think President Bill Clinton), without Ms. Lewinsky's knowledge. Ms. Tripp was later prosecuted for her recording efforts --- in and by the state of Maryland, if I recall the jurisdiction correctly. You have mentioned seeking legal counsel. When you do that, I respectfully suggest that you also promptly mention to your attorney your foray into telephone call recording. He or she will surely want to learn about that sooner rather than later --- and preferably from you rather than from someone else. You might want to also mention that you then chose to provide a copy of the tape to the very entity you unlawfully recorded --- and used the U.S. Mail to transport the unlawful recording. I think your attorney will very likely want to know all of these things... Good luck. I don't think you have much chance of getting your money back from these upfront fee parasites, whose sole objective of taking your money has already been successfully accomplished, but I nonetheless sincerely wish you luck and success in your efforts.