Report Abuse - 31946

refund listing fees from fraud

Mr. Tremblay, I followed everything to a "T" that you discussed. Including my currently not resolved complaint with the BBB. After my initial conversation with your agent I asked him to call back in an hour because I really didn't trust what he was saying because it didn't sound right and when he called back I recorded a phone conversation between your agent and myself as he was making promises of sale and within a 90 day time frame, he went as far as saying he guranteed my timeshare would sell. I called your customer care center and emailed back and forth with a woman from there. Finally she asked me to send the tape recorded conversation. I made a copy of the tape and mailed it certified mail so I know that it was received, USPS said it got there but wouldn't you know it your agents never received it. I am in the process of seeking legal advice on this issue, and I hope for all those that have been lied to that I can get some resolve. So please Mr. CEO don't say there is currently no unresolved issues with the BBB, I can fax you my paperwork from them if you would like. I am owed $599.00 for false advertisement and business practices and until I see it I will not rest. Thank you for your time. Robert D. Shannon Ad# 598897