Report Abuse - 30803

Change in practices? You betcha...

daves250 asks: >> Has anybody noticed a change at all in RCI's business practices during this lawsuit? << ================================================= Absolutely. Just for starters: 1. SINCE the lawsuit was filed, RCI has actually acquired interests in SnapTravel and LeisureLink --- two separate entities directly involved in the RENTAL (not exchange) of timeshare weeks. In both instances, RCI trumpeted these acquisitions with actively distributed press releases. To some, it seemed almost like RCI was openly "thumbing their nose" at the lawsuit. 2. RCI "Points Partners" benefits (e.g., credit of RCI Points toward airline tickets, etc.) have been significantly reduced in dollar value (although, to be fair, this particular "change" really has nothing to do with the issue of depositing / exchanging weeks, the issue which is the actual focus of the lawsuit). 3. RCI membership rates AND exchange fees have BOTH undergone cost INCREASES since the Murillo vs. RCI lawsuit was filed back in April, 2006. 4. Unit / weeks reported by RCI as "not available" to would-be RCI "exchangers" who requested them have nonetheless been reported (by those very same disappointed prospective exchangers) as being discovered openly advertised for direct RENTAL from RCI through "RCI Extra Vacations". I don't even use RCI and yet I've become aware of AT LEAST these above specified "changes", just by reading, listening and watching. Active RCI members may very well know of other such "changes". In short, if you're looking for ANY evidence of ANY conciliatory behavior or positive public relations efforts by RCI since the lawsuit was filed against them in April, 2006, then I submit that you may have to keep looking...