Report Abuse - 30782

No crystal ball...

andrec20 asks: >>Does anyone know if it is likely in this type of case that the judge will require the company to change it's practices, or will the judge simply award damages to those included in the class action lawsuit?<< =============================================== A very astute question; one to which no truthful person can possibly claim to know the answer. This is a somewhat unique and complex bit of litigation. It would be foolhardy to make groundless predictions on the outcome; there is really not much in the way of "this type of case" (your words) on which to make a direct comparison. That caveat clearly stated.... 1. There could be an agreed settlement. An agreed settlement could constitute just about anything from worthless to wonderful from the current and future standpoint of RCI members. 2. If there is ultimately no agreed settlement, there is simply no predicting what the court will decide. 3. "Injunctive relief" is what would constitute a "holy grail" win for the plaintiffs, particularly if such injunctive relief overtly and specifically forces RCI into permanently different and permanently corrective measures and practices. Mere compensatory damages for past wrongs (if so determined) alone would be an almost insignificant outcome if not accompanied by injunctive relief. The whole affair is (to me) a truly fascinating matter, but its final outcome is really anyone's guess --- lawyer or not. One thing seems very clear to those who profess to be close to the plaintiff attorneys in this matter, however --- the plaintiffs mean business and seek to achieve genuine REFORM of RCI practices, not just an empty, meaningless "paper victory" in court. We shall see...