Report Abuse - 30777


To all Marriott Ocean Club owners. I am not sure if you are aware but you are about to be hit with 2 assessments that could be $1,000 for each of the next 2 years. The reason is Marriott has to completely replace the roof and some of the supports due to poor construction. How many of you realize that the building was bought by Marriott after it was partially completed? Of course you were never told that. Did you ever wonder why when ever it rained the building flooded? It seems there were problems to the roof from day one and Marriott ignored the problems until they could get the owners to pay a portion of the repairs. Marriott is requiring the Owners to pay a major portion of the repairs. So therefore the roof repair and regular refurbishing projects will costs us additional funds over our already high maintenance. I have been in touch with the board and have gotten the details of what is taking place. A board member said to me if you find a lawyer who would like to take on a class action suit there would be many people who would be willing to be part of the suit. I have been in touch with Marriott but they have refused to give me a satisfactory response except to agree to what I have mentioned here. If you are unhappy about this you should contact customer care. Maybe if enough people speak up Marriott will do the right thing. Let me know if you are interested in pursuing a class action suit against Marriott.