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Re: Can't We Get Rid Of Provisional Listings?

Thanks for all your input. We actually do have our '08 week exchanged through II and are looking forward to that vacation in Feb. And because we banked a week they wanted, we got a great Resort Accomodation Certificate price at another resort we're using in Jan. And i intend to bank our 2010 week with II also, so that I can use both RedWeek AND II to arrange a much desired family vacation at Marriott Grande Ocean on Hilton Head in June of 2010. So I figured i'd work with a banked week in RedWeek and a banked week in II to see which one produces the best results. So, you see, I haven't given up on II at all, I just am experimenting a little to learn. We have a one bedroom floating week at a beautiful brand new Las Vegas resort, so I kind of liked that idea of using Redweek points plus a little extra money to upgrade on a reservation to a larger unit or better resort. At II They tell me that if I work on the phone (as opposed to online) with people there, they'll do that too, for a straight exchange, no extra fees. But I don;t know how hard that might be. Still learning. THanks for your help ! Kathy