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Re: Can't We Get Rid Of Provisional Listings?

[Q=kathyl219] I AGREE. I think RedWeek looks like an incredible method of exchanging, but we need more people depositing first. we are new to this and I had just purchased a 5 year membership with Interval. Then I found RedWeek. I joined this also, and deposited our 09 week and am very hopeful. LOVE the expanded # of choices over the other exchange companies. LOVE the forums, LOVE how much information you can get about different resorts, and interaction with other timeshare owners. Now I just hope to find the exchange we want ---- deposited, not just on the provisional listings ! Kathy[/Q] Kathy it does sound like you are new to all this and Phil gave you some good advice about learning the workings of II. We were with Rci for many years and very unhappy about the lack of service. All our friends were walking away from Rci because they had just had it and went to II and loved it. We have now been with II for over ten years because of our Lake Tahoe Resort. I can tell you it was night and day when you compare Rci to II in service and resorts. We sold two of our timeshares last year because of these getaways and spend less money and time than owning those resorts. Give II a chance and save your money because with II you have exchange fee and that is it. No more cash out of your pocket! We started to give Redweek a chance last year but to pay exchange fee and your unit and then come up with cash is crazy. I never understood and still do not in how they can charge 2200-2500 in points /cash for a resort and you find same time and resort on their rental for half that cost. This is just over my head as to how this is fair exchanging. If you get points that are fair to the value of your resort and can also get fair exchange without trading down then this might be a good second outlet for exchanging. This stops being worth while for us when you have to add cash with your unit to make the exchange unless you really want to move up in a trade. Darlene!