Report Abuse - 30296

Re: Can't We Get Rid Of Provisional Listings?

As far as RCI is concerned, I have owned a fixed week since 1984 and I can tell you it's gotten worse every year. You have no power and the people who answer the phone can't tell you what your "score" is or if you could ever even hope to exchange somewhere like Hawaii. They have become partial to the points sytem but I'll be darned if I'm going to give them several thousand more dollars just to "convert" to points. Like any business, if they continue to be nonresponsive to their customers, they will lose those customers and profits go down. I have my fingers crossed that redweek has a successful exchange product that peole get comfortable with. I see Hawaii listed all the time. I know there's a cost difference sometimes,but what's the true cost if you can't EVER trade to somewhere you want to go? If it makes you feel better, try pricing some of these resorts as if you were coming from the outside. Many times, it's still a significant savings to make a redweek trade. (No, I don't work for redweek. I'm looking for an exchange myself right now).