Report Abuse - 26469

refund listing fees from fraud

[Q=dorothyh47] [Q=anthonyjj] I paid for the listing fees with my credit card. I was told by someone that if I file a dispute with my credit card company that I may be able to get a refund because they misrepresented themselves. Also, does anyone know about a lawsuit against these fraud websites. Any info would be greatly appreciated.[/Q] You should also go to the Better Business Bureau Online website: and file a complaint. I have been solicited heavily by the site you are talking about, and was *almost* sold....until I looked them up on the BBB website and saw how many complaints were already filed against them and how many have NOT been resolved!! Also, a realtor from another website advised me to try to sell my timeshare myself before using ANY of the pre-sale fee types, or the real estate brokers! Good luck.[/Q] Thank you for all of your help.