Report Abuse - 26423

refund listing fees from fraud

[Q=anthonyjj]I have the information from my credit card company for the dispute,but what exact info do I have to put on for me to get my money back from these crooks. I am really upset by this, and how they can get away with this with a smile on there damn faces.[/Q] [b]Until there's some sort of regulation regarding upfront fee resale companies, there's not much you can do until these thieves are caught by the media and exposed for their thievery. They get away with their schemes because they advertise themselves as ad agencies, not real estate agencies, and they lie to the eenth degree telling prospective clients they can get mega bucks for their timeshare if only they will sign up with them and pay that upfront fee (in the hundreds of dollars) .... that's all they really want, the upfront fee. I have said this many times before in these forums, I'd rather dig ditches to make a living than to outright lie to people like upfront fee parasites do. I don't see how they sleep at night, but some people would sell their children to make a quick buck .... absolutely no integrity or conscience involved. I imagine the turnover employee rate with upfront fee resale compaies must be astounding.[/b]