Report Abuse - 24437

Re: Anyone have experience with Preston Green or Americap International Corp

[Q=ken1193] marty8084 notes: >> We can't stress enough how important using the escrow company is exactly for this reason... scammers don't get your money when it's being held in escrow. << While I agree with this logic in theory, in my own limited observations and experience, First American Title has been either very slow to respond to inquiries or, in other instances, entirely unresponsive at all.[/Q] Today I received an email from this Preston Green with a phn # to call I did (we have a rental posted on Redweek). He was very aggressive and said he had a client for me to rent our unit...I had to finally hang up on him to get rid of him as we are not interested in going through a brokerage to rent out our unit. Is he supposed to be using Redweek to snag customers? If not..well...he is! we didn't bite and hope others stay away from him too....smell a bad rat here!!