Report Abuse - 24266

Re: We Collect Timeshares, LLC

Pretty bad when the owner of the company has to get online and stick up for his company!!! This company is a crock of shit and they do nothing but take your money and leave you hanging. They have incompetant people working for them and all they care about is themselves. They don't care about you or their employees. So when you do read a posting that is "for" them and not against them, that just means it is one of the owners trying to wiggle their way into your mind. Pretty bad when you have to use a "christian" front. They are the furthest things from "christians" that you will ever meet! Nice try to use that though!!!!!! [Q=jonathang18] [Q=judyp87] Has anyone dealt with We Collect Timeshares, LLC? We attended one of their meetings and are interested in selling our timeshare but really do not want to pay to be rid of it. And even if we do pay, are we really free of the obligaton?[/Q] ____ Hi everyone. I work for that company and I will tell you that it's a good company started by good christian people and I've seen them help over 4 thousand people. You may or may not know this but a lot of timeshares out there have little or no market value. I've seen them pay cash for good properties that can be resold , I've seen them take a lot of properties for free if they can sell it for a litte and yes, on difficult properties they do charge as little as 794 (and more) to do the deed transfer and pay the resort transfer fee. But what else can you do with these properties? You mentioned ebay. I watch it all the time. Hundreds go UNSOLD with no bids every week even at $1. So what do you tell the person who has been trying to sell it for 4 years? Spent $2000 on M fees for nothing. More on Newspaper ads, ebay ads and still can't get out of it. For those that love your timeshare you may not want to hear this, but there's nothing you can do most of the time to even just get OUT of these contracts[/Q] Pretty bad when the owner of the company has to get online and stick up for his company!!! This company is a crock of shit and they do nothing but take your money and leave you hanging. They have incompetant people working for them and all they care about is themselves. They don't care about you or their employees. So when you do read a posting that is "for" them and not against them, that just means it is one of the owners trying to wiggle their way into your mind. Pretty bad when you have to use a "christian" front. They are the furthest things from "christians" that you will ever meet! Nice try to use that though!!!!!!