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Re: North building vs Existing building

[Q=jonr5] [Q=janets24] [Q=tom635] I bought into the north buildings and what a mistake. The south building is a much better property. When you arrive at the South property (older Property) you can look out from the lobby to the ocean and sit by the pool and see the Ocaen on one side and the mountains on the other. On the North property your staring at a building from the lobby. They also put units above the lobby/arrival area and you cant see any mountains from the pool. The pool is way to small and once they open up 100% I dont know how everyone is going to be able to sit around the pool. The BBQ's are not along the beach like at the older property but at the kids club facing the south property - what a mistake. Also the kids club should have been put on the other side of the property facing the open space. Its now between the north and south property and its going to be loud. They also need a large sliding door in the shipping and recieving area as you pull up to the lobby for the north property because the last thing you see is all the laundry etc that is being collected for both properties upon arrival. They need to hide this, it should be a simple fix. The units are nicer in North but they are smaller. Long term, this is not the property to own. The South is a better property and the new Phase 3 which should start to be built in 2009 has a similar superior plan like the south property, however it will not have lock off units per new County codes. The North property design is flawed and I would not expect such mistakes from Westin. I think they have comprimsied their brand with trying to put so many units on this site. They got greddy and wanted to sell more oceanfront units and I think this really impacted the property in a negative way.[/Q] I gotta agree. We own oceanfront in the south and when we were there two years ago they tried to sell us north. We wanted a second week but having seen what they call "ocean front" over there (and at what price), we refused to buy until they miraculously found us an available unit in the "sold-out" south building. I agree the amenities look good in the north, but some of those ocean front units can be on the ground level behind a lemonade stand (or whatever). Not what I wanted to pay for. If you want ocean front, buy south on resale or wait for Phase 3. If you don't mind what the exact view is, north has its good points for sure and heck it's all Maui.[/Q] I wouldn't be too quick to say the South is a better property than the North. Wait until it is done in March 2008. In regards to the location of the kids pool, for those of us with kids we are very much looking forward to the kids building and pool.[/Q] I have kids, thats not the issue. All I can say, if I was staying in north or south and was forced to look out over some pirate ship for a week and listen to kids yell and scream for a week that is not a vacation for me. Westin put this in the worse posisble spot they could - you have both wings (north and south) facing this pirate ship with a "ocean view room". What they did was try and upsell as many view rooms but they forgot to tell you that you have to look over some cheap plastic ship to see the Ocean and since its between both buildings that are at least 5 stories high your going to get a lot of noise bouncing back and forth as it resonates up. So as you try and enjoy your drink on your balcony you will hear a lot of kids - not smart planning. I would request a room that is not on that side of the property.