Report Abuse - 23433

Re: Resinding within 5 days in Mexico

[Q=joann21] Does anyone have any advice? We purchased from El cid Moro Towers in Mazatlan on 06/14/07 at a terrible price(yeah I know now, from reading these forums,"do not buy developers price buy resale) anyways, we came home checked out there NEW deal on buying cruises with points on 06/18/07, and come to find out, what the salesman said was not true(surprised), we immediately sent an email to their customer help desk about canceling, phoned them, sent an email to our salesman, who still tried to offer us more certificates and deals, but we were firm that we wanted to cancel, and he finally agreed that that was a done deal, well today is 07/03/07 and we have not received our deposit back, I have contacted there customer service several times, and they keep telling me "in a couple of days", I have contacted my c/c company and i have to do the follow up work, but can they keep any portion of our deposit, since we cancelled within the five days? The"head honcho" told us if we cancelled after the five days, than we would have to pay for any gifts we received and commissions, advertising, etc..... Any one have any suggestions?[/Q]