Report Abuse - 23274

Re: maintenance costs

[Q=julieh156] [Q=bradd33] [Q=davidw459] Gentlemen, I think that we have to think smart. Its obvious we are all either subject to bad managment or that we are veiwed as a soft touch. If you were inclined, you might even think that there was a hidden agenda to get hold of a valuable piece of real estate for nothing. The contract we entered into provides right and reasonable expectations for 'all' parties. We provide cash, the management provide a resort. Maintenance fees are just that. What is being maintained at the resort that costs so much? Where are the audited accounts that substatiate the special assessment charges? Where are the figures that show how much has been paid out by the isurance company for the damage to the resort? Who has paid for the new Wyndhams sign on the building, the owners or Wyndhams? What has happened to the resort boat since the hurricane? I could go on but I am sure you are getting the idea. These and many more questions are legitimate questions that have to be answered if asked. As well as aking us for money, we can all tie-up the resort management by drip feeding them questions en-mass. If they choose to ignore any of us us, then we can report them to the relevant authorities expressing concern over 'improper conduct'. It will cost them a great deal of time, money and aggrevation. Lets see how they like it![/Q] Agreed. I get the feeling of a runaround. I called the Fairfield group to ask about what this 'special levy' was about and the (nice or at least pleasant) lady on the phone said she had heard it was 'basically for overtime pay to get the resort repaired faster'. Isn't that what insurance is for? I didn't sign up to pay someone else's overtime on a whim. Especially if not much (anything) seems to be happening.[/Q] David, I do agree that this is a valuable piece of property and I also wonder if there is a hidden agenda. Santa Barbara currently has 300+ units that are owned by them due to non payment. I wonder how many the need to own before they can take over the property. I think more and more people are going to let the property go due to expense. I know I am considering it. I own 4 units and the special assessment for the units total $5846 not to mention the last two years of common charges paid for nothing and the 2005 special assessment for non payment of maintenance for other owners. Any more thoughts....[/Q] I don't think they want more units, for we have offered our week to be deeded back to them for free and they have refused.