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SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! From Americap International Corp

November 12, 2007 BEWARE OF 2 CON ARTISTS CHRIS WOOD AND JERRY WOOD!!! In mid May, after searching around for several timeshares locations in Waikiki, I opened an account with and see if I can find a good deal/exchange for a condo for my family and my friend’s family in August 14-22/2007. Once I opened an account and posted a so-called “Red Wish”, I immediately got an email from a guy name Jerry Wood from Americap International Corp. The email was forwarded from as followed: Jerry Wood <> wrote: We have several rental weeks available that meet your criteria starting as low as $398. Call Americap International Corp. at 888-834-7464. I called the above number and got connected to Chris Wood who introduced himself as Jerry’s brother. Chris also said that Jerry handled the selling of timeshares and he does the rental part. As Chris indicated that he has so many points from Wydham Waikiki Resort that owners had accumulated so Americap wanted to rent out the unused portions to cover the fee for owners. He said he had rent out so many places and they worked out very well as for owners and sellers. Chris looked around all his condo and said that he had a couple available one bedroom and 2 bedroom units etc. I agreed upon the 2 bedrooms for my family with 2 toddlers and my friend’s family with 2 toddlers for $800. He charged my Visa for that amount and he said he would send me the contract. I knew I paid him because I was so desperate for a place to stay since I did not plan well for this trip and eventually ended up this way. Once I received the contract, I signed and sent back to him. He also mentioned once the contract is in place, he will contact Wydham Waikiki and within 1 month of my arrival, the Wydham will sent me a certificate from “owners” for my check-in purpose. I got the contract within a week from Chris. It was sent from 4747 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 174 in Florida (FL 33021). After that I was at ease and wait for the certificate to arrive. 4 weeks before my departure, I still did not get the certificate, I contacted Wydham Waikiki and they did not know anything about this. I ended up called everywhere that I can have a lead. I started to worry not only for my family, but I am responsible for my friend’s family as well because we all will be staying at the same location. I contacted Chris and he said, “That’s weird that he never received the contract. He even asked me if I had put down the suite number right or maybe the mail man put in mails so fast that he might slip and put in others’ mail box slot” He said he would call Wydham for me and so and so...I gave him a week which I only have 3 weeks left until my departure. I called and called him again, and he called me back that he would look around for other owners and see if there is something available and he said he is good in finding something in the last minute! Another week came by which I only have 2 weeks left until my departure…During this time, my friend also called me from LA and see if everything is in placed so she can pay me. I did not dare to say anything to worry her, instead I continued looking elsewhere for plan B and in the meantime, keep on contact Chris… On Thursday of the second week, I called Chris and left him an ultimate message…Yes or No he must contact me so I can make a final decision as it is a rental pending on the other end for me. Chris called me back and said “I am still waiting to hear from the owner. I left several messages for the owner, but did not hear from him yet, so I guess it’s not promising! And he is so sorry!” Chris said he will refund my $800 in the mail, and it may take up a couple weeks to process. He also told me “To keep all the expense receipts of my trip and send to him so he can present them to the “BOARD Of DIRECTOR” and have them share/refund a portion of the expense to me since this happened to me that I did not get the renal in place and I had been patient enough all these times!” During this time I had exactly 2 weeks before my departure. I turned around to another offer that I found and nervously negotiated with the owner until I got what I wanted the last minute. After I made the deposit on the same day of negotiation, I called my friend up and told her that the vacation is on. 2 weeks before my arrival, I just have a peace of my to enjoy what is called “vacation” spirit. It haunted me until this day that what if I did not find anything to accommodate my family and my friend’s family with 3 babies and a teenager Well, two weeks after I got back from Hawaii I contacted Chris about the $800 refund and he said, “Oh, let me see how come you did not receive it yet. Let me call the department and find out” then I never heard from him for a couple of weeks so I started to call him again. He returned my phone call and said, “The paper is still buried on his desk here. How could that happened again to me and so forth.” He said he will talk to the refund department and let them speed up the process. I don’t think there are any “Department” aside from him (Chris) and his brother Jerry Up until this point I never heard from him. I called him several times last week but never heard back from him. I sent Redweek. com an email and notified them. They sent me several links so I can file complaint with the FBI. I know it happened to me and to many other innocent people out there, but we got to stop these nice con artists before they get around further. I will file further complaint if it is necessary. If anyone in the same situation like me and had done filing any paper works with Florida BBB or the FBI, Please advise me on both processes. Last but not least, should go after these nice con artists and stop them before they hurt more people! Thanks so much for reading this and thanks ahead for any help sending my way!