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Re: Anyone have experience with Preston Green or Americap International Corp

[Q=lisam500] Hey Ken, Thanks for the info. Believe it or not, someone from one of the agencies I contacted did pass this on the FBI. The person from the FBI contacted me for more details and he has also been in contact with Americap. The reason I suggest the rest of the people contact the same agencies is because in total we have lost over $10000 - not in upfront fees but in actual purchases of rental weeks which we've never received. Also, from what I heard from the person from the FBI, Americap advertises themselves as a corporation but is no longer doing what is necessary to be a corporation. The FBI person told me that is against the rules and an arrestable offense - independent of the trouble we've had.[/Q] Well......then it appears that Americap may indeed have managed to reach the magical threshhold to warrant federal attention. If so, this is a development which they will surely regret --- and never forget. Federal investigators tend to have the resolve of a determined pit bull. Once their bite takes hold, they just plain don't let go. Congratulations on doing your part to change these thieving parasites' lives.