Report Abuse - 222517


If you still owe on the initial purchase of the timeshare, you know, the one where you regret ever having gone to that damn presentation in the first place, then that's one thing. As for the maintenance fees, that's where you draw the line. Let them send all "the bills" they want. I told my resort I was done paying them. In my case nothing happened, which I think is the outcome in most cases. As for the comment "entered into a legal contract of your own FREE WILL and choice" I have to chuckle. Loan sharks could take lessons from these leeches. A one and a half hour presentation becomes six. I've seen people cave just to end the torment. I went through it. BUT, in my case, every time I made a move for the door, the asking price would magically come down. I shaved 75 % off the initial asking price, and it STILL turned out to be a lousy investment. Hold firm LR. Sooner or later, it will end.