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[Q=leonar10] My timeshare keeps sending me bills in the mail. How do I get them to stop? I only used timeshare twice and maintenance bill is almost up to $10,000. I have sent bills back with message that I don't use timeshare and don't want it. What else can I do?[/Q] There is really not much of anything you can do except to wait for foreclosure. You have a legal, contractual obligation. It doesn't matter one bit how often you use whatever it is that you bought and it doesn't matter whether or not you send the bills back. You once voluntarily entered into a legal contract of your own free will and choice, even if unwisely. It's legally irrelevant that "you just don't want it anymore"; the legal obligations of that valid contract you once voluntarily executed still exist and remain. If there was a loan that still has an outstanding balance, you [b]might[/b] take a credit score "hit" at some point, if that is of any concern to you. If there is no unpaid loan balance involved, foreclosure alone will [b]not[/b] likely have any negative credit consequences.