Report Abuse - 220944

Re: Re: Marriott - Aruba

[Q=cathyn70] Aruba Surf Club is NOT deeded! It is RTU! I've been an owner preconstruction and my paper works states RTU! This is an on going discussion and that resort is not deeded! I know sales people say it's deeded, but they'll say anything to get a sale![/Q] Yes -- timeshare sales weasels virtually everywhere will say almost anything to "seal the deal". They know full well that [b]only the written content within the four corners of the sales contract means anything at all[/b]. Anything and everything stated orally is just meaningless, non-binding noise temporarily floating around in the air. Accordingly, sales weasels can (and in your cited example, evidently did) muddy the facts, such as failing to accurately portray the crystal clear distinction between deeded ownership and a right to use (RTU) contract --- the latter involving [b]no[/b] actual ownership of [b]anything[/b].