Report Abuse - 21677

Re: We Collect Timeshares, LLC

william8 states, quoted in pertinent part: >> But since you Mr. Part Time Investigator and Legal Worker decided that it was your job to defend these people (WCT) and their tactics I responded to offer my advice. Why don't you post something legal to help these people with their plight. << ====================================== Excuse me??? You apparently have me confused with someone else. I have absolutely (and consistently) no use whatsoever for ANY so-called "Postcard Company" of any kind or flavor. Accordingly, I have certainly NEVER, at ANY time, offered a single word of "defense" of these parasites (and parasites is exactly the one and only word which I've ever used to describe them in the many instances where I've offered input and/or advice in RedWeek forums). I've also repeatedly suggested that people report their experiences directly to the Attorney General's office in the state in which the parasites have set up shop (often Florida, not always). I stated in this thread that timeshare "donations" are far more easily discussed than accomplished --- and I said nothing more than that on the subject. If you can somehow construe that simple and straightforward observation of fact as "defending" any parasitic Postcard Company, well....then I just don't know what to say about your interpretive and/or reading skills. For your information (....are you new around here??), I routinely offer and share my own input, experience and advice in various RedWeek forums on a variety of timeshare (and related legal) subjects, based primarily upon 20+ years of timeshare ownership and experience and (of a distant second relevance) a legal education background. None of that makes me an "expert" of any kind, but only a dunce doesn't learn SOMETHING in the course of several decades of direct involvement and personal experience. Clearly, you're angry about something here, but frankly your ire is misdirected. I am (and have always been) an advocate only for the timeshare consumer --- NOT for the parasitic "upfront fee" companies or the deceitful developer sales people. If you're even interested, I have just posted a new thread on the subject of We Collect Timeshares / Timeshare Collectors, based upon a newly published article about them in the current issue of Timesharing Today magazine. I had never even heard of either entity before, but it certainly appears that they're gaining some real "name recognition" now.... ====================================== Re: >> Your thoughts and comments are welcome.<< Provided above, plainly and clearly (with my apologies for multiple edits undertaken to correct my poor typing skills. Will not correct / edit further....).