Report Abuse - 21672

Re: We Collect Timeshares, LLC

[Q=ken1193] Re: >> WHO DO YOU WORK FOR? << ====================================== I'm not at all sure to whom this particular inquiry is actually directed. However, I posted some input on this thread, so if it is directed to me my reply is that I am semi-retired, work for no one but myself, and do some legal and privare investigation work on a part time basis. Perhaps most important and relevant, however, I have never before even heard of "We Collect Timeshares, LLC", whoever / whatever they may be. That clearly stated, based upon my own personal experience and that of many, many other owners / posters on Timeshare Users Group, and Timeshare, two well established sites populated by many knowledgeable and well experienced timeshare owners, donations of timeshare weeks are FAR more often rejected than accepted, regardless of which charity is involved. I have no "agenda" in making that simple observation and irrefutable statement of fact. The timeshares that are accepted by Donate for A Cause (just one example of many, but one which represents a host of widely different and unrelated charities), are those for which sale and turnaround is quick and easy. In short, that means a timeshare which has some inherent value (desirable week, desirable area, high end chain, etc.) White, floating, studio weeks in Branson, MO, Kissimmee or Orlando, Fl or Williamsburg, VA, to cite just a few specific examples, simply don't cut it in those criteria, being for sale "a dime a dozen" --- and not easily sold. ====================================== Re: >> I have spoken to at least 4 couples who wished to "get rid" of their timeshare and that has been over a two year period. NONE of them has had any problem in donating their timeshare. << I'm genuinely happy for these four couples and for the recipient charities. However, their experience is the exception rather than the rule and is NOT mirrored by the reported experiences of dozens and dozens of folks reporting on attempts at donation on the aforementioned specific timeshare sites. ======================================= Re: >> ... the major reason for the declination of timeshares is that the owners are not truthful, are behind in their payments or there is litigation underway at the resort property which involves the current owners. << Sorry, but I find that claim very hard to believe since most charities require a SIGNED statement BEFORE even evaluating the offer that there are no mortgages, liens or encumbrances, all fees are paid up and current and no future weeks have been either rented out or deposited with any exchange company. The "yes or no" determination for acceptance is then promptly made (usually by a broker, not by the charity itself --- Donate for a Cause uses Resort Closings, Inc. of Bozeman, MT to make their decision for them). The decision is, of course, subject to change later if/when any inaccurate or untruthful (signed) statements are uncovered or any litigation discovered or initiated. Under that same signature is included agreement for advertising cost reimbursement in the event of any owner misrepresentation. As stated already, I believe donation to be a generous and noble act, but one which is not available, far more often than such an offer being accepted. You appear to be angry or upset with (or at) someone here on the topic of timeshare donation. It is not at all clear to me about whom you are so fired up. Am I missing something here? And since I don't see anyone "thanking" you, to whom are you directing your gratuitous "you're welcome" pronouncements?[/Q] The title of this forum was "We Collect Timeshares" and my thoughts, words and resentment is aimed entirely at them because of their underhanded means of getting trusting owners to attend their presentations only to hear that there is "Only One Way Out" and that is to sign over their property to WCT and pay around 3 thousand dollars to be rid of their encumbrance. The lies given by these presenters at their presentation should be and are being exposed on this forum. Giving owners another option, whether it be donation, renting the units themselves or giving family members and friends a week at a resort is the main topic of my statements. I am asking the owners not to sit back and let the timeshare rule you. Do something about it. Even if it is putting it on eBay for $1 and letting Resort Closings, whom I have used to purchase property myself, sell it to someone else who wishes to venture into the great unknown world of timeshares. I apologize to those who thought they had a good thing and then come to realize they can't get rid of it by any means. When you are dealt a hand of lemons, make lemonade and enjoy it. But if you can use the options I have mentioned then by all means use them. But they won't take care of themselves, you have to do something about it. Stand up and make a decision to make the best of a bad situation. And if it means giving someone 3 thousand dollars to take over the timeshare, well that too is an option. But I consider it an option of last resort. There are, as stated by the aforeposted writer, exceptions to the rule, and I sincerely hope that your property is an exception. But you won't know unless you try. Costs nothing to inquire about it. Try it! You're welcome. But since you Mr. Part Time Investigator and Legal Worker decided that it was your job to defend these people (WCT) and their tactics I responded to offer my advice. Why don't you post something legal to help these people with their plight. Or maybe go to an actual presentation by this underhanded company and confront them with their lies like I did. I was escorted out of the room and given a stamp for my parking pass. And I did wait until the presentation (90 minute which turned into 3 hours) was over before I stood up and asked questions. Then the "door guards" turned into salesmen with release forms in their hands and I was asked to leave by the presenter and not cause a commotion. If you haven't been to one of their presentations then I urge you to attend. Take a notepad and a pencil because you have to do a lot of erasing while they are giving their speech. They tend to say "let me back up a moment and say this" before they continue to the punch line asking for money. Your thoughts and comments are welcome.