Report Abuse - 216555


[Q=julieg693] HELLO, RECENTLY PURCHASED A VACATION MEMBERSHIP IN MEXICO. AFTER MUCH RESEARCH, WE NOW KNOW IT'S A SCAM. "BENEFITS" ARE DEFINITELY NOT WORTH THE MONEY WE WILL BE PAYING. THEY OBVIOUSLY HAVE ALL OF OUR CONTACT INFORMATION, BUT WE WERE FOOLISH ENOUGH TO ALSO PROVIDE THEM WITH OUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. QUESTION IS: IF WE STOP PAYING, CAN THEY DO ANYTHING MORE THAN JUST SEND THREATENING EMAILS?[/Q] Not a "scam", just a relatively worthless product that you voluntarily [b]chose[/b] to purchase of your own free will and for entirely too much money. That's not a "scam"; that is just a poor financial decision on your part and one that you understandably now regret. We all make mistakes; some of those mistakes are costly. To answer your question, no there really isn't much of anything they can do beyond terminating your (nearly worthless anyhow) RTU "membership" and possibly denying you future access to the property. Besides some toothless emails, you could possibly also get phone calls if they decide to utilize a collection agency. Collection agencies, although annoying, are also completely toothless and they are seldom used by Mexican timeshare operations anyhow. Walk away, pay them [b]not another penny[/b] and just regard this experience as an unfortunate and expensive "life lesson". P.S. There isn't anything you can do now about having (unnecessarily) given those parasites your social security number. However, if you also gave them any credit card information, cancel those cards immediately and get new ones with a different account number. Likewise for any bank account information they might possess. You don't want them to be able to have [b]any[/b] access to [b]any[/b] of your credit card(s) or bank account(s) where they could possibly attempt to make [b]any[/b] unauthorized charges or withdrawals.