Report Abuse - 21530

Re: We Collect Timeshares, LLC

[Q=jayjay] [Q=william8]People, People, People, take the time to talk to your family, friends, and coworkers and rent your property out! Good gracious it is not that hard..And you recoup your costs for the maintenance fees. If you truly want to get rid of your timeshare donate it to charity and write it off.[/Q] [b]This is easier said than done. Some timeshares can't be rented at all and most charities are selective in what they will take. As you can see on Ebay some timeshares can't even be given away for $1.00. It's all about supply/demand/season.[/b][/Q] Well it is not hard to see who JayJay works for.. GOOGLE and donate.. I have been to We Collect Timeshares presentation and left with a very bad feeling about this company. They come across as all righteous and all until they stick you with the line of "We will assume your week for a cost of $3000" and we don't pay you. You pay us! To take away the albatross hanging around your neck. You are stuck in perpetuity paying maintenance fees and it will be passed on to your children and your children's children! Hogwash, donate your timeshare. IT IS EASIER THAN YOU THINK. You just have to take the time to do it and believe me it takes less time to do this than the time you sat through that 90 minute (which turned into 6 hour) presentation when you bought the property.. Donate or rent..You are the boss and don't listen to the naysayers..Power to the owners..