Report Abuse - 192833


[Q=wayner158] You DO NOT need permission from the company to deed it back to the resort. You can learn how to deed it back on your own with a simple quit claim deed or surrender deed.[/Q] This statement is completely [b]false[/b]. I don’t know where (…or if) you attended law school, but it is a basic, fundamental fact that in order for [b]any[/b] deed [b]anywhere[/b] in the U.S.A. to be legally valid, there must be informed and willing [b] acceptance[/b] by the “grantee”. No “grantor” can just unilaterally identify an unknowing and / or unwilling recipient (grantee), whether the unwilling grantee is a resort or a random name picked out of a phone book. Any such deed would clearly be legally [b]void[/b], by virtue of lacking any [b] acceptance[/b]. You plainly don’t know what you are talking about here. Please don’t mislead people with such grossly inaccurate claims. Doing so is a disservice to those who might believe your factually inaccurate statement to be true when it is actually [b]completely wrong[/b].