Report Abuse - 18476

Re: maintenance costs

[Q=boyd18] [Q=carols306] I've sent a letter to the Attorney General about these problems. I just got , yet another, letter from a Lawyer stating they were putting alien on my property with the intention of foreclosing on me. Now I'm REALLY wondering if their intention is to foreclose on as many of us as they can to "re sell" at a higher price. If I could afford a lawyer I'd get one. I responded to the lawyer by telling him I had NO INTENTION on foreclosing and am considering a class action suit. If I could afford a lawyer I'd sue for a whole lot more than what they've taken from me. Has anyone else written to the Attorney General. Carol[/Q] I have written to the Attorny General on 6/18/2007. I also filed a complaint with Professional Regulations and my case number is 2007032198. The case was assigned to Maria Mejia for investigation. I have received notification of my complaint and they have sent a letter to Wyndham on June 19th and they requested a response from them by July 5, 2007. I have not recieved any thing yet. Her email is maria.mejia@dbpr, Her phone number is 407-317-7233. The Attorney General's website is I think every owner should notify the authorities and keep them on top of the situation. You may contact me at Phone # 402-758-9397 Boyd Long[/Q] Boyd, I sent an email this morning to Maria also including pictures of the resort as it stands. Steve Dennis