Report Abuse - 18171

Re: maintenance costs

Any more thoughts - yes quite a few, but unfortunately most are not printable. Having scanned the internet and reading peoples comments on this site and others some things seem to be 'questionable'. It seems that prior to Wyndams appearing on the scene several Fairfield resorts were facing common difficulties. Mysterious fires occured at some. Other in such places as New Orleans faced similar lack of expected repairs following natural disasters etc. Other non-Fairfield resorts stated charging owners ever increasing fees and charges whilst apparently doing next to nothing. A good idea spreads fast in the world of timeshare! Yes Fairfield seemed to be 'very unlucky'. After some of their chiefs were detained at U.S. government lock up resorts the business was sold to Wyndhams. They in turn are obviously looking to recoup their outlay and maximise their profit, which is where we all come into the picture. Unfortunately I am in Europe, so its somewhat difficult for me to get closely involved for obvious reasons. Having said that, several points are worth thinking about. 1) If the original agreement requires all of us pay for non-paying owners, why do we all not vote on recinding the agreement? It appears to me that we al pay maintenance charges for a resort that isn't being maintained under any interpretation of the word. 2) Why when we all pay the maintenance charges on 'deserted' units do Wyndhams get the money when they are sold? If they get the money from a sale they should pay the charges. 3) Unless everone is so in love with Wyndhams, why don't we just get ourselves a new management company to run the resort. In Europe there are many such companies who are good, honest and charge reasonable fees for their sevices. 4) I consider it reasonable to obtain verifyable assurances from Wyndhams that we as owners are not picking up the repair and refurbishment costs for equipment and areas which are not down to us to pay for. The new Wyndhams sign on the side of the building is a good example. I don't care if its cost me one dollar, its not my cost its Wyndhams. Hopefully this has given you a few more bits to think about. The one thing that Wyndhams will hate more than anything is if we all keep getting as much bad publicity about the situation as possible. Letters to your local papers may get responses from other owners and lead to an investigative journalist taking up the cause. Write to your representatives and the various financial regulatory bodies in Florida, Chamber of Commerce, State Commisioner etc). If enough people complain they will have to investigate- and believe me Wyndhams really are going to want that happening as who knows what might emerge. Don't dispare - stand up for your rights!