Report Abuse - 18004

Inexpensive escrow service?

I am in the process of selling a RTU week. No deed is involved in any such "right to use" week and the Vacation Club involved prepares and issues all of its own purchase and sales documents. In short, we truly don't need or want any "closing services". Neither do we need or want to pay a closing company $300 or more to do nothing more than "hold this money" until both buyer and seller are comfortable with the integrity, validity and accuracy of all details of the transaction, none of which will actually involve the closing company in any way at any time. Does anyone know of a reputable "escrow service" which will charge a reasonable fee for doing (and being asked to do) absolutely nothing more than receiving from buyer, holding, then forwarding to seller the transaaction funds? Looking for a solution to protect both buyer and seller, but have no intentions of paying ANYONE $300 just to ", hold on to this money for a week or so until you hear from me, then just mail it to Mr. K. at this address....." Informed input and specific suggestions are solicited and will be sincerely appreciated. Thanks in advance.