Report Abuse - 174880

Re: Palace Elite Resort Grand Moon Palace

My name is Claudia Georgina Carmona Marin on December 26, 2022 I signed a contact to upgrade to VIP for the amount of $20k+ U.S. Dollars in Palace Elite office in The Grand Moon Palace Cancun. After much regret on December 28 2022 I walked into their office in the Grand Moon Palace Cancun to physical and verbally cancel/void my upgraded contract when Candida Cab her job title being "Legal Verifier" said to me that I couldn't do that because under policy it wasn't possible, I told her that wasn't true and that mexican law gave me 5 legal days to cancel my contract, she then said that she couldn't do anything to help me and that I must arrange a meeting with the salesman Juan Carlos who sold the contract to me. On December 29 2022, I send an email to and to to officially requesting my contract be cancel/terminated/VOID. Also on December 29 at 2:30pm, my husband and I meet with Juan Carlos as told by Candida Cab. When we start explaining we want to cancel our contract, he tells me he cannot help me and that I cannot cancel my contract regardless of my 5 days legal period, that I have no rights for 5 days grace period cancellation. I tell h that's not true and asked to speak with someone who has a higher power/position to help me, Juan Carlos replies no one in here can help you, everyone here will tell you the exact same thing. I said I don't care I want to speak with someone else. After I that I spoke to Raul Garcia for about 5 minutes, who also said he couldn't help. My husband and I wouldn't give up so we insist on speaking with someone so then we spoke to Tanya Gerente who basically said nothing just took us to a room and brought Mariano Gonzales, who again told me it was not possible for me to cancel the upgraded contract and that it was not possible for me to get a full refund of $3262.00 U.S. Dollars that was charged to my credit card as a downpayment, again I said to him you are lying I am protected by Article 56 which states that national citizens or foreigner have 5 legal days to rescind from a contract he or she signed, he then continue saying he could help by lowering the original amount of 20K+ U.S. Dollars to $8,000 U.S Dollars. Unfortunately after hours being told I couldn't cancel my contract, I was a victim of misleading information and lies, I believed that I couldn't cancel my contract and felt for his trap and Agree to the lower amount. But something inside of me told me it wasn't true and I started to search and found this page of complaints and people being scam and lies to. But I will be going again to their office on December 30, 2022 to null the new agreement and fight for my legal rights. And I will make sure to record from beginning to end. This is madness and people need to be aware of scammers who dress like lawyers and smile like they are your best friends but in reality see you as a money sign for their own benefits, not caring how they will deceive you into their corrupted contracts. I will be seeking a lawyer for further legal rights.