Report Abuse - 171523

When is a high demand week not a high demand week?

So here's my problem, let me know if anyone else has run across this. I own a week at Marriott's Desert Springs I and decided that for 2023 I was going to deposit my week and attempt to maximize the TDI (Travel Demand Index) so that I could get better than average trading power. After doing some research I decided that Thanksgiving week of 2023 was within my season (white) and that it is a high demand week, which should garner me high trading power. Through some luck, I was able to get the week of November 19th, 2023, Sunday to Sunday, with Thanksgiving right in the middle. I was grinning from ear to ear as I proceeded to deposit it with Interval. That's when my plan fell totally apart. When I received the confirmation from Interval it showed that the week I deposited was week 47 (which it is) and when I cross referenced it with their TDI I nearly fell of my chair. In looking up the resort, Interval has week 47 defined as low demand at 95 while the week before Thanksgiving (week 46) is defined as high demand with a score of 130. I contacted Interval about this and they replied that they rely on the resort to define the demand. So my question is, do I have any recourse? I did everything correct and in the end I was royally screwed over.