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Re: Consequences on stop maintenance fee payments on a RTU timeshare

Have you ever thought of renting your week for the maintenance fees? This method could save your credit rating. Just a suggestion. Redweek, Facebook Market Place, VRBO or Airbnb might be able to help your rent them. [Q=miguels65] Hi, I want to know what are the consequences if I stop maintenance fee payments on a paid off RTU timeshare (Exploria resorts). We had a major life change, and can no longer afford this annual maintenance fees. I contacted the resort, to see if we could work something out, but they are very not willing to work with us. Can they take us to judicial court, even though we have a non deeded timeshare? At this point I don't care about my credit dropping or harassment calls. And also if I stop payments, how long until they take me to collections? Thank you in advance for your answers.[/Q]