Report Abuse - 17004

Re: We Collect Timeshares, LLC

RESPONDING to JAYJAY How many timeshares do you own? I've worked with over a 1000 different properties. I meet people who have filed BK and the bankruptcy and the courts won't let them out of their properties. I meet with people who have called charities who will not take any timeshares and some charities who will not take their specific property. I've lots of people whose resort won't even take it back for free and when they stop paying their fees the resort sues them or send them to collections. You also need to take into consideration that the resorts are renting properties out today to the general public so why buy a timeshare and be locked into it if you can rent them out? Also the internet has made lots of types of traveling cheap for everyone, whether you own a timeshare or not. People who love their timeshares do not want to hear these types of stories and they get angry at me. Then years later, when they've struggled to get out of it and CAN'T they like me and they get angry at their resorts. We're not the bad guys. The resorts could put us out of business by taking back their properties and letting the owners OUT who want OUT. If the resorts would take their properties back, people wouldn't need my help. I think your agression is mis-directed. Most timeshare owners do not fully understand how their contracts really work. What your saying is true JAYJAY but only for about 10% of the resorts MAYBE 15. It's not that easy for the rest of them. It's not as easy as you think.