Report Abuse - 16675


To update my saga from above (charged-no contract-want refund)... I got ahold of Bank of America (my CC company) and they said they wouldn't do anything until I tried to get a refund myself. OK-got ahold of Legacy and they said I had to put the request in writing. Did that and about 10 days later I got a phone call stating that they had received it (I sent it 2nd day AOD so I knew when they got it) and they would call back within a week to set up the refund. I have no idea why it would take a week but OK--- 2 weeks later, I got a call from the sales rep again stating that he had the unit ready to sell (LOL) and would be sending out papers for me to sign. I told him I was requesting a refund and if he wanted to sell my unit I had better receive something from him ASAP (that was about 4 days ago-he said I would have something the following day). I didn't hear anything so I called their office today. They said that the rep had told them I no longer wanted a refund. To which I replied something like "bullpucky!". They have again agreed to refund my money (minus a processing fee which comes to about $140) BUT they want to send a certified check rather than issue a credit against my credit card. They say it would take 30 days for a CC credit AND it (a CC credit request) would be suspicious as FRAUD. Imagine-now they're telling me I might be scamming them!!! I'm afraid that any check I get from them (if I'm lucky enough to get one) will be fake/bounce/have payment stopped. I've worked retail and done daily books for a large store and know that CC refunds DON'T take 30 days or normally raise any FRAUD alerts. I'm forwarding their email to BOA. At this point the $140 processing fee isn't a big concern to me I just want the rest of my $ back and can write off the 140 as a lesson learned. I'm going to be in Orlando in a few weeks and would pay them a visit in Mt Dora (if I thought they had a real office) LOL