Report Abuse - 16356

Re: I worked at a timeshare SCAM....I want to tell you about it.

[Q=jayjay] carries, amy DID REPORT it to the attorney general as you can very well read in the thread below. Once again you have not read all posts in this thread concerning the subject matter, just as you did not read all posts concerning otto's dilemma before you jumped in with your judgemental comments. amy's reason for getting fired was her outspokeness against the company's upfront fee tactics. I, myself, find her a hero. carries, do you happen to work for an upfront fee resale company by any chance? [b]jayjay wrote: P.S. I would report this company and its scam tactics to the Florida Attorney General. I hope that all upfront fee timeshare resale companies are, one day, run completely out of business by the law. amy wrote: "I did but apparently they need more than just me to tell them what is going on there."[/b] [Q=carries25] Being fired isn't an heroic act. I doesn't clear your *conscience*. Quitting and reporting what you know does. Where to report? BBB, Letter to the Editor, Attorney General, other governmental agencies for consumers.[/Q][/Q] Dear jayjay, I am a retired physician. I have always looked for effective ways to handle problems. I have been responsible for changes in laws and company policies when I am really irritated by scams and officious responses. I have never worked in any aspect of the timeshare industry. The AG is looking for "best evidence." This can mean documentation of illegal acts with the company's own records. You don't have to copy or steal them, just know where they are and what they show. Our AG won a $4M judgement against a furniture store when I supplied this best evidence thirty years ago. Otherwise, an angry phone call may just be considered gossip or retribution by a former employee, especially one who didn't have the courage of their convictions to quit, but was fired. As you know, arguing with a crook is a completely worthless activity, requiring no courage. Of course I read a thread before responding. That does not mean I will not state my opinion as I see it. It's true that the law will never eliminate scams, just as it will not eliminate running a stop sign. But if you know how the legal system works, you will often prevail. So again, Amy, exactly where did you work? We all can learn to recognize a scam artist if we know who it is.