Report Abuse - 16318

Re: I worked at a timeshare SCAM....I want to tell you about it.

[Q=amyv41] 2 years ago I worked at a timeshare scam. I am a single mother .... ... As you may be able to imagine I was having a worldly & spirally binding war within my self. ... As you already know my faith, my spirit and my fear of god brought me to my senses. ... I was not quiet about it so they FIRED me. I expected as much. I needed to be fired to clear my conscious. Good luck to all and I am sorry if I hurt you who ever you are.[/Q] It sounds like your experience with the TS scam wasn't the only time you faced a struggle between wordly and spiritual aspects of life. You also lost both times. Being fired isn't an heroic act. I doesn't clear your conscious. Quitting and reporting what you know does. Where to report? BBB, Letter to the Editor, Attorney General, other governmental agencies for consumers. You see, most of us who are spiritual apply our beliefs to the way we behave and how we care for others in this world. Fussing at the boss takes no courage, and has no real effect. Reporting to the proper authorities, and gathering information for them, does. I know. I have done that. It resulted in our state legislature passing new laws to protect consumers. I was a customer, not an employee. A simple "I'm sorry" just doesn't cut it when you scam someone. Calling your bosses the "lowest of the low" means you were the assistant and executive "lowest of the low." So which business was it where you worked?