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Re: North building vs Existing building

[Q=staciem9] We stayed at the original villas last May with 2 couples who are also owners. We bought into the North building ( that is what they were selling at the time) and our friends bought and or traded one of their units for the North building. The new North building seems to have more "stuff", pools, restaurants, etc. but I agree that the rooms may not be as spacious and the dining area doesn't seat as many people so isn't as good for a group. I think both have their advantages, it just depends on what is most important to you. The one thing we liked, since we aren't into listening to other peoples kids while we're trying to relax on vacation is that the North resort has a kids pool on the side of the resort and away from the main pool area.[/Q] I stayed last week at the existing property. We really enjoyed ourselves and the snorkeling was great! Ironically, we are looking forward to staying at the North Property because of the new kids pool. . . but for different reasons. You see, I have two toddlers and while the kiddie pool was nice, it was a little bland. The North property will not only have a kids pool but in the kids pool will be a Pirate ship with slides and water cannons. Moreover, there will be a whole building dedicated to kids right next to the pool. In the existing property, the kids club is only for 5 and older. Whereas I am of the understanding the new kids building will offer things to do for the toddler to 5 range that parents can come in and do with them. I can't comment on the units themselves as Westin didn't allow any tours of the new property. From what I could see the site is still very much under construction and they are working hard to get it done by July - so "hard hat" only type folks on site. However, they did mention the North units will have larger Flat Screen TVs.